11+ preparation

Considering 11+ exams for independent schools? I am currently offering two programmes. Please contact me now to reserve a space.

If your child is currently in year 5, there is the 11+ foundation group which you can join starting after Easter. See below.

If your child is currently in year 4, there is an 11+ programme starting in September. Please click here for more information.

Children from the 11+ group have received offers from a range of competitive schools including St John’s Leatherhead, Tormead, Guildford High School, Royal Grammar School, Sir William Perkins, Epsom College, Freemans and many other schools. Very proud of them all!

In the 11+ foundation group, the main focus is on verbal reasoning (VR) and non-verbal reasoning (NVR). VR and NVR are assessed in most independent school exams at 11+.

Whilst some children are naturally more able at certain types of these tests, all children can benefit from familiarisation before any exam. There are a number of different types of questions, formats and styles. Whilst you cannot “learn” these (like 6 x 5 = 30), you can teach the strategies to tackle them.

puzzling it out…

The 11+ Foundation Group details

This small, friendly group will learn together in person in GU23 Surrey from 5-6pm on Sundays in term-time. It is for children currently in year 5 who are moving into year 6. We focus on

  • familiarisation with common types of VR / NVR questions
  • building confidence to tackle new problems based on VR/NVR
  • practising questions, puzzles and problems
  • working on some aspects of numerical reasoning
  • elements of maths and English as the course progresses
  • developing flexibility, creativity and resilience!

A small group has several benefits:

  • It can be fun! VR and NVR are like puzzles and codes.
  • Children will generally see that they all have strengths and weaknesses as VR/NVR tend to pull these out.
  • It avoids the “why me?” question which can arise if they feel no-one else is being made to do work out of school.
  • Speaking out in front of others – outside of their class – is an important skill in the context of interviews. Whilst it will not be the focus of the group, I will be alive to this.
  • We can adapt to the needs of the children in the group.

Minimum 3 children, maximum 6. £20/session.

Please do contact me to reserve a place or for more information.

In addition, by separate arrangement, I offer

  • Ad hoc writing workshops to complement this group
  • Interview practice

Alternatives to 11+ foundation group

I created this group because I felt it would be a good way to prepare for 11+ exams. However, if this group is not for you, you can support your child with this process in other ways. For example, you could tutor or you could support your child yourself. If doing the latter, I would recommend using online resources – a good starting point is Bond 11+ though there are many excellent resources including online offerings such as Atom or Bofa. I also offer parent mentoring to support you as a parent through 11+ preparation. If this is of potential interest, I would suggest you contact me to discuss what I can offer to see if it fits your needs. If your child is in year 4, then my 11+ preparation programme is an excellent option.